The Priestess Challenge

⸰☽ The Priestess Challenge ☾⸰

The Priestess Challenge is divided up into three parts, or three trials if you will. The first one is a test of skill, the second one is a test of leadership and the third, and most difficult one, is a test of faith. Each challenge is designed to test the Acolyte to the breaking point and should she pass all three, she will be ordained as a fully fledged junior Priestess of the Sisterhood.

The Trial of the White Lady

The Trial of the White Lady is a test of skill, primarily the Priestess candidate’s martial and healing skills. The test will be tailored to each individual Acolyte, but the template for each is that of a gauntlet with various challenges along the way that the Acolyte has to master. At the end of the trial the aspiring Priestess must craft her staff of office; the staff she will carry into battle and that will mark her station within the Sisterhood.

The Trial of the Night Warrior

A challenge of leadership. The Acolyte will be tasked with leading a force of Sentinels or fellow Priestesses on a mission. They will receive few details and will have to make up a plan, as well as execute it, from what little they know. This trial is designed to test the Priestess Candidate’s leadership skills, to see if she can live up to the mandate of being a leader for her people. At the end of the trial the Acolyte must craft their robes of office; the mooncloth robes that will shine as a beacon of leadership and guidance to her people.

The Trial of the Mother

The last trial is the Trial of the Mother, the trial of Faith. This challenge will look vastly different depending on the Acolyte that is to undertake it. During this trial, the Acolyte’s faith and resolve will be tested to the extreme and no one will know beforehand exactly what they will face and have to overcome once they enter into it. At the end of the trial the Priestess will be gifted with a new crescent moon necklace; the symbol of her deep devotion and faith and her place within the Sisterhood.
